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2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Main Event
Jours 6
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Main Gagnante
2,877,500 HKD
Event Info
42,400 HKD
Prize Pool
20,796,800 HKD
Info Niveau
150,000 / 300,000

Main Event

Jour 6 terminé

Elliot Smith gagne le PokerStars Championship Macau après plus de 11 heures de head's up

Niveau 34 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante
PokerStars Championship Macau Main Event winner Elliot Smith
PokerStars Championship Macau Main Event winner Elliot Smith

Après un head's up qui a duré plus de dix heures,le Canadien Elliot Smith a dominé Tianyuan Tang pour remporter le premier Main Event de l'histoire du PokerStars Championship Macau. Le duo a dealé et Smith remporte 2 877 500 dollars de Hong Kong soit environ 370 000 dollars américains.

"C'était une bataille très très fatigante, vraiment. J'ai pris l'avantage, il a pris l'avantage. Il y a du avoir 10 changements de leader, je tire mon chapeau à mon adversaire, il a joué de manière fantastique", a indiqué Smith après son succès.

1Elliot SmithCanadaHK$2,877,500
2Tianyuan TangChinaHK$2,577,500
3Daniel LaidlawAustraliaHK$1,724,000
4Avraham OzielCanadaHK$1,280,000
5Aymon HataAllemagneHK$950,000
6Yen ‘Pete’ ChenTaiwanHK$705,000

Il n'a fallu que deux heures pour que les 6 finalistes ne soient plus que deux. Sur la 6e main de la finale, Yen ‘Pete’ Chen a tout mis avec {10-}{10-} pour s'empaler dans les {j-}{j-} de Tianyuan Tang. Malgré un {10-} au flop, un {j-} rivière à mis fin au parcours du Joueur asiatique de l'année 2014.

Joueur allemand installé au Royaume-Uni, Aymon Hata a lui foncé dans les {k-}{k-} de Smith. Hata a tout mis avec {q-}{j-} pour trouver deux paires au flop. Le chipleader du Jour 4 s'incline au turn quand Smith trouve deux paires supérieures.

Qualifié pour 10$ sur un Spin & Go, le Canadien Avraham Oziel encaisse 100 000$ après avoir terminé 4e sur un badbeat. Le joueur de Montréal rend les armes avec {a-}{a-} contre {7-}{7-} chez Tang...

C'est ensuite au tour de l'Australien Daniel Laidlaw de s'incliner face à Smith avec {a-}{10-} contre {k-}{5-} pour environ 222 000$.

L'ultime duo a alors quitté la table durant presque une heure pour discuter d'un arrangement financier. Les deux hommes ont partagé l'argent et décidé de laisser 300 000 dollars de Hong Kong et le trophée à la gagne.

Les deux hommes vont user et abuser du limp au bouton préflop et la grosse blinde va check à de nombreuses reprises. Les deux adversaires vont s'échanger la tête du tournoi de nombreuses fois après avoir commencer l'ultime duel avec moins de 500 000 jetons d'écart...

Après plus de 11 heures d'affrontement; Smith limpe a nouveau au bouton avec {a-}{k-} et Tang met tout avec {6-}{6-}. Le Chinois trouve un brelan au flop mais Smith frappe une couleur avec un pique turn et un dernier pique rivière !

Chris Moneymaker, Celina Lin, Aditya Agarwal, Randy 'nanonoko' Lew, Davidi Kitai et Bertrand 'Elky' Grospellier n'ont pas fait l'argent de ce tournoi qui a rassemblé 536 participants.

Les Français Fabrice Soulier (9e - HK$386,000 soit environ 50 000$) et Thibaut Blondel (12e pour environ 28 000$) se sont inclinés en demi-finale. Dong Guo (10e - HK$291,300), Winfred Yu (13e - HK$221,000), David Peters (37e - HK$101,000) et Sofia Lovgren (44e - $101,000) ont fait l'argent tout comme 4 autres tricolores (Michel Abécassis, Bernard Vu, Maxime Adam et Ivan Deyra).

Rendez-vous à Monte Carlo du 25 avril au 5 mai sur PokerNews pour suivre la prochaine étape du PokerStars Championship...

Tags: Avraham OzielAymon HataDaniel LaidlawElliot SmithTianyuan TangYen 'Pete' Chen

Hand #316: Tianyuan Tang Eliminated in 2nd Place (HK$2,577,500)

Niveau 34 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante
Tianyuan Tang
Tianyuan Tang

Elliot Smith limped in and was faced by an all-in jam by Tianyuan Tang. Smith though for just a few seconds before slamming down a stack, making a call to win the championship.

Smith: {a-Diamonds}{k-Spades}
Tang: {6-Hearts}{6-Clubs}

As the crowd gathered, the dealer patted the table and swept out a {6-Spades}{9-Spades}{7-Hearts} flop. Tang's crowd erupted as the local player hit a set of sixes, almost guaranteed a double up for the chip lead. Almost.

Smith needed running spades to eliminate his opponent. The dealer patted the table again and laid down a {2-Spades} on the turn. A collective gasp echoed around the table. As more spectators gathered, the dealer tapped the table one more time and dropped the {3-Spades} on the river, giving Smith a flush and the PokerStars Championship Macau Main Event Title.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Elliot Smith ca
Elliot Smith
Profile photo of Tianyuan Tang cn
Tianyuan Tang

Tags: Elliot SmithTianyuan Tang

Hands #314-315: One For Each

Niveau 34 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #314: After the preflop action went limp, check, both players checked the {9-Hearts}{q-Clubs}{k-Clubs} flop. The {7-Spades} landed on the turn and Tianyuan Tang bet 400,000, getting a call from Elliot Smith. The river was the {6-Diamonds} and Tang bet 1,000,000. Smith folded.

Hand #315: Another limped pot preflop got to a {7-Hearts}{4-Spades}{6-Hearts} flop. Tang bet 350,000 and Smith called. The turn was the {6-Clubs} and Smith decided to lead out for 250,000. Tang folded.

Tags: Elliot SmithTianyuan Tang

Niveau: 34

Blinds: 150,000/300,000

Ante: 50,000

Hands #309-313: Smith Builds an Advantage

Niveau 33 : 125,000/250,000, 25,000 ante

Hand #309: A limped flop of {8-Hearts}{a-Diamonds}{6-Spades} was taken down by Tianyuan Tang when he bet 300,000.

Hand #310: Smith raised to 500,000 and Tang called, seeing a flop of {k-Spades}{10-Hearts}{j-Clubs}. Tang check-called a bet of 350,000, going to the {8-Diamonds} on the turn. Tang led out for 800,000 and Smith called. The river was the {6-Hearts} and Tang bey 1,300,000. Smith called and won the pot with his {k-Hearts}{9-Hearts} over Tang's {j-Spades}{9-Clubs}.

Hand #311: Smith was given a walk.

Hand #312: The limped pot came {3-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{10-Hearts} and Tang checked to Smith who bet 250,000. Tang raised to 1,000,000 and won the chips.

Hand #313: Tang raised to 625,000 and Smith called. The dealer swiped {k-Clubs}{q-Clubs}{q-Hearts} across the table. They checked to the {9-Spades} turn and the {6-Diamonds} river. Smith bet 600,000 and won the hand.

Tags: Elliot SmithTianyuan Tang

Hands #303-308: All-in Triangle Makes an Appearance

Niveau 33 : 125,000/250,000, 25,000 ante

Hand #303: A limped preflop pot was won by Tianyuan Tang with a bet on the flop.

Hand #304: Tang open-shoved and Elliot Smith folded.

Hand #305: Tang raised to 550,000 and Smith called, receiving a flop of {j-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{3-Clubs}. Tang bet 600,000 and Smith check-folded.

Hand #306: Smith opened to 500,000, Tang jammed all-in for a little more than 7,000,000 and Smith folded.

Hand #307: Smith got a walk.

Hand #308: Tang got a walk.

Tags: Elliot SmithTianyuan Tang

Hands #297-302: Tang Pushes Back

Niveau 33 : 125,000/250,000, 25,000 ante

Hand #297: Elliot Smith was given a walk.

Hand #298: Smith raised to 500,000 and then folded as Tianyuan Tang shoved all in.

Hand #299: Tang raised to 525,000, getting a call from Smith. But Smith folded to a bet of 500,000 on the {4-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{6-Spades} flop.

Hand #300: Smith raised to 500,000 and Tang three-bet to 1,300,000, winning the chips.

Hand #301: The limped flop was {q-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{9-Clubs} and Smith check-folded to a bet of 300,000.

Hand #302: Another checked flop came {10-Clubs}{7-Spades}{3-Diamonds} and Tang check-called a bet of 250,000. The turn was the {5-Hearts} and it checked to the {5-Spades} river. Tang check-folded to Smith's bet of 500,000.

Tags: Elliot SmithTianyuan Tang

Hands #291-296: Tang Nears the Danger Zone

Niveau 33 : 125,000/250,000, 25,000 ante

Hand #291: Tianyuan Tang opened to 700,000 and Elliot Smith folded.

Hand #292: Smith opened to 500,000 and Tang folded.

Hand #293: Tang limped, and then folded when Smith raised to 750,000.

Hand #294: Tang got a walk.

Hand #295: Tang limped and Smith checked. The flop came {4-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{j-Hearts} and Smith check-called a bet of 400,000. Both players checked the {2-Clubs} on the turn and the {2-Spades} fell on the river. Smith bet 450,000 and tang called. Smith showed {j-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} and won the pot.

Hand #296: Smith limped and tang checked. The dealer gave them a {a-Clubs}{j-Clubs}{4-Clubs} flop and Tang led out with a bet of 300,000. Smith called to see the {5-Hearts} come on the turn. Both players checked getting the {j-Spades} on the river. Tang bet 700,000 and Smith folded.

Tags: Tianyuan TangElliot Smith

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