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2017 PokerStars Championship Sochi

Main Event
Jours 6
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Sochi

Main Gagnante
21,900,000 RUB
Event Info
318,000 RUB
Prize Pool
150,000,000 RUB
Info Niveau
40,000 / 80,000

Hands #85-88: Pace of Play Slows

Niveau 26 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #85: Pavel Shirshikov raised to 125,000 from under the gun with {a-Clubs}{4-Clubs} and Dmitry Vitkind called on the button with {4-Spades}{4-Diamonds}. Seyed Ghavam also called in the small blind with {a-Hearts}{7-Hearts}. Vladimir Troyanovskiy folded in the big blind.

The three players saw a {k-Hearts}{2-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} flop, and it checked to Shirshikov who continued for 225,000. His opponents both folded.

Hand #86: Ghavam raised to 125,000 from the button with {k-Hearts}{j-Spades} and took down the pot.

Hand #87: Troyanovskiy raised to 105,000 from the button with {k-Spades}{3-Clubs}. Vitkind defended his big blind with {8-Clubs}{6-Spades}. The flop came {9-Spades}{j-Clubs}{9-Hearts} and Vitkind check-folded to a bet of 100,000 from his opponent.

Hand #88: Shirshikov raised with {a-Hearts}{j-Hearts} on the button to 120,000. Ghavam defended his big blind with {q-Clubs}{9-Clubs}. The flop came {8-Spades}{4-Spades}{9-Hearts} and both players checked. The turn was the {2-Clubs}, and it was checked again by both players. The river was the {7-Clubs} and Ghavam stabbed at the 285,000 pot with a bet of 210,000 and it was enough to take down the pot.

Tags: Dmitry VitkindPavel ShirshikovSeyed GhavamVladimir Troyanovskiy