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2022 World Series of Poker

Event #53: $5,000 Mixed No-Limit Hold'em/Pot Limit Omaha
Jours 1
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Info Niveau
150,000 / 300,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 1
Joueurs Survivants

Dowling Busts One

Niveau 10 : 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante

No-Limit Hold'em

A player moved all in for a remaining stack worth 13,500 and it was called by Chris Dowling for the following showdown:

Chris Dowling: {k-Clubs}{j-Hearts}
Opponent: {k-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}

Dowling was in good shape to win the hand and bust his opponent, which he did after the board brought {2-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{j-Spades}{3-Hearts}.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Chris Dowling ie
Chris Dowling

Tags: Chris Dowling

Niveau: 11

Blinds: 1,500/2,500

Ante: 2,500

Deak Folds River

Niveau 11 : 1,500/2,500, 2,500 ante

Pot Limit Omaha

The hijack raised to 7,500 it folded to Ferenc Deak who called in the big blind.

The flop gave {4-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds} and both players checked to go see a {j-Clubs} on the turn. Deak check-called his opponent for 8,000. The river was the {q-Clubs} and after a last check from Deak, the hijack potted for 34,500. Deak didn't take long to fold his hand.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Ferenc Deak hu
Ferenc Deak

Tags: Ferenc Deak

Riess Doubles While Eliminating Aldemir

Niveau 11 : 1,500/2,500, 2,500 ante
Ryan Riess
Ryan Riess

No-Limit Hold'em

Koray Aldemir moved his last 25,000 in from under the gun and from the hijack, Dan Zack moved all-in for over 100,000 and in the big blind, Ryan Riess called to put himself at risk.

Koray Aldemir: {k-}{j-}
Ryan Riess: {a-}{a-}
Dan Zack: {7-}{7-}

The board ran out {q-}{9-}{2-}{8-}{5-} and the WSOP 2013 Main Event Winner Doubled Through Zack, while eliminating the WSOP 2021 Main Event Champion.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Ryan Riess us
Ryan Riess
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Dan Zack us
Dan Zack
WSOP 3X Winner
Koray Aldemir de
Koray Aldemir
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Dan ZackKoray AldemirRyan Riess

Difficult Fold for Putz

Niveau 11 : 1,500/2,500, 2,500 ante

Pot Limit Omaha

The cutoff player raised to 5,000 and Christopher Putz decided to three-bet to 17,500 in small blind. Bruno Lopes considered it for a minute in the big blind and folded but the cutoff called.

The flop gave {10-Clubs}{2-Spades}{a-Clubs} and Putz continued for 20,000. His opponent potted for 80,000, putting Putz into a decision. After a few minutes, Putz tossed his cards into the muck.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Christopher Putz de
Christopher Putz
Bruno Lopes fr
Bruno Lopes

Tags: Bruno LopesChristopher Putz

Rudelitz Knocks Out Deeb

Niveau 11 : 1,500/2,500, 2,500 ante

Pot-Limit Omaha

The action was recapped by the table previously occupied by Shaun Deeb.

Two players limped and in the cutoff, Enrico Rudelitz raised to 13,500 which was called by Shaun Deeb on the button. In the big blind another player moved all in for 15,000 which all four other players called.

The flop came out {9-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{3-Hearts} and action checked to Rudelitz who bet 50,000 which Deeb responded to by moving all in for 95,000, folding out the other players and leaving just Rudelitz to call which he did.

Opponent: {8-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}
Shaun Deeb: {j-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{5-Hearts}
Enrico Rudelitz: {a-Clubs}{a-Spades}{5-Clubs}{5-Spades}

The board ran out {9-Hearts}{5-Hearts} which while rivering a flush for Deeb, saw Rudelitz fill up to fives full of nines to scoop a massive pot and eliminate two players.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Enrico Rudelitz at
Enrico Rudelitz
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Enrico RudelitzShaun Deeb

Niveau: 12

Blinds: 1,500/3,000

Ante: 3,000

Kiriopoulos Busts Le

Niveau 12 : 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
Tommy Le
Tommy Le

Pot Limit Omaha

In a four-way pot, the flop read {5-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{9-Spades} when Mustapha Kanit and Demosthenes Kiriopoulos checked in the blinds. Tommy Le bet 15,000, with around 16,000 left behind and the button and Kanit folded. Kiriopoulos opted to shove and Le snap-called with his remaining stack:

Tommy Le: {q-Spades}{8-Hearts}{7-Spades}{5-Clubs}
Demosthenes Kiriopoulos: {k-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}

The turn {5-Spades} and river {7-Clubs} improved Kiriopoulos'd hand into the full house and Le made his way to the exit.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Mustapha Kanit it
Mustapha Kanit
Demosthenes Kiriopoulos ca
Demosthenes Kiriopoulos
Tommy Le us
Tommy Le
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Mustapha KanitTommy LeDemosthenes Kiriopoulos

Cada Sails On With A Boat

Niveau 12 : 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante

Pot-Limit Omaha

A player called in late position and Joe Cada raised in the small blind to 18,500 which only the late position player called.

The flop came out {a-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} and Cada bet 25,000 which saw his opponent move all in for Cada's remaining 20,000 and Cada snap called.

Joe Cada: {a-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}{q-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}
Opponent: {j-Hearts}{j-Spades}{8-Clubs}{3-Spades}

The board ran out {9-Clubs}{7-Spades} and Cada turned his opponent dead with a full house and the WSOP 2009 Main Event Champion doubled up.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Joe Cada us
Joe Cada
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Joe Cada