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2019 World Series of Poker

Event #32: $1,000 Seniors No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Jours 4
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
600,000 / 1,200,000

Hands #183-189: Mash Hits Straight Over Straight

Niveau 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Hand #183: Howard Mash got a walk in the big blind.

Hand #184: Howard Mash limped, and Jean-René Fontaine raised to 4.2 million. Mash folded and Fontaine took it down.

Hand #185: Jean-René Fontaine raised to 3 million, and Howard Mash called. Both players checked through the flop and turn on the {j-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} board. The {6-Diamonds} fell on the river, Mash checked, Fontaine bet 3.5 million, and Mash folded.

Hand #186 Howard Mash limped, Jean-René Fontaine raised to 4.2 million, Mash three-bet to 13 million, and Fontaine folded.

Hand #187: Howard Mash got a walk

Hand #188: Howard Mash raised to 3 million, and Jean-René Fontaine called. The action checked through to the river on a {j-Clubs}{q-Hearts}{6-Spades}{8-Hearts} board. The river fell {j-Diamonds}, Fontaine bet 4 million, Mash called and took down the pot (showdown cards unknown).

Hand #189: Jean-René Fontaine limped, and Howard Mash checked back. The flop came {7-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} and both players checked.

On the turn {10-Hearts} Mash bet 3 million, Fontaine raised to 9 million, and Mash called. The river came the {5-Clubs}, Mash checked, and Fontaine checked back. Mash showed down {9-Hearts}{6-Spades} against Fontaine’s {6-Clubs}{4-Clubs} for a straight-over-straight win.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Howard Mash us
Howard Mash
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Jean-René Fontaine fr
Jean-René Fontaine

Hands #177-182: Mash's Rail Believes

Niveau 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
Howard Mash
Howard Mash

Hand #177: Fontaine gave Mash a walk.

Hand #178: Mash gave him one back.

Hand #179: Fontaine called, throwing in 600,000. Mash checked. On the flop of {5-Spades}{7-Hearts}{j-Spades} both players elected to see a free card. {4-Clubs} turn ch Fontaine bet 3,000,000 which prompted a fold from Mash.

Hand #180: Mash raised to 3,000,000 and big blind Fontaine made the call. On the flop of {a-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} Mash bet 3,500,000 when it was checked to him, and Fontaine called. Turn: {4-Spades} No bet from either player, nor on the {3-Clubs} river. Fontaine showed down {j-Spades}{2-Hearts} to Mash's {q-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}. Fist pump from Mash for his rail as he raked in a modest pot.

Hand #181: Fontaine gave Mash a walk.

Hand #182: Mash called and Fontaine checked his option. Fontaine checked all three streets as the board emerged {3-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{8-Spades}, but the final option to bet was taken by Mash; his 2,000,000 bet won him the pot.

Tags: Howard MashJean-René Fontaine

Hands # 173-176: The Final Two Keep Battling

Niveau 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Hand #173: Jean-René Fontaine raised to 4.7 million, and Howard Mash called. The flop came {3-Clubs}{8-Spades}{k-Clubs} and both players checked. The turn came {4-Hearts}, Mash bet 3.5 million, and Fontaine folded.

Hand #174: Howard Mash limped and Jean-René Fontaine checked back. The action checked all the way through all streets on a {5-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{3-Clubs} runout, and Fontaine took the pot down with {a-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}.

Hand #175: Jean-René Fontaine raised to 4.1 million, and Howard Mash folded.

Hand #176: Howard Mash bet 3 million, and Jean-René Fontaine called. The action checked through the flop and turn on a board of {5-Clubs}{7-Spades}{10-Hearts}{9-Clubs}. Things got interesting on the river {q-Spades}. Fontaine bet 4.1 million, Mash raised to 10 million, and Fontaine tanked for a bit then folded.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Howard Mash us
Howard Mash
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Jean-René Fontaine fr
Jean-René Fontaine

Tags: Howard MashJean-René Fontaine

Hands #168-172: Back and Forth

Niveau 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
Jean-René Fontaine
Jean-René Fontaine

Hand #168: Howard Mash raised to 3,000,000 on the button, Jean-René Fontaine made the call. They put not one further chip in each, checking down a {2-Spades}{q-Spades}{9-Spades}{q-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds} runout to end up chopping with ace high apiece ({a-Spades}{6-Diamonds} and {a-Clubs}{3-Hearts}).

Hand #169: Fontaine raised to 3,500,000 first to act. Mash called, but folded when Fontaine bet 3,000,000 more on the {k-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds} flop.

Hand #170: Mash made up the big blind on the button and Fontaine checked. Fontaine check-folded the {a-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{q-Diamonds} flop when Mash bet 1,700,000.

Hand #171: Fontaine raised to 3,000,000 and picked up the pot right there.

Hand #172: Mash raised to 3,000,000 on the button and Fontaine threw in the call. Flop: {2-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}. Fontaine checked, Mash bet 2,200,000 and the pot went to the latter.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Jean-René Fontaine fr
Jean-René Fontaine
Profile photo of Howard Mash us
Howard Mash
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Howard MashJean-René Fontaine

Hands #162-167: Still Neck and Neck

Niveau 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Hand #162: Howard Mash limped, and Jean-René Fontaine checked back. The action checked through on the flop of {j-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}. The turn brought the {5-Diamonds}, Fontaine bet 3.5 million, and Mash folded.

Hand #163: Jean-René Fontaine raised to 3.1 million, and Howard Mash called. The flop fell {4-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}, Mash checked, and Fontaine bet 4.5 million, getting Mash to fold.

Hand #164: Howard Mash raised to 3 million, Jean-René Fontaine three-bet to 10.7 million, and Mash four-bet all in for his entire 46.4 million stack. Fontaine stood up, thought it over for a bit, then folded.

Hand #165: Jean-René Fontaine gave Howard Mash a walk.

Hand #166: Howard Mash raised to 3 million, and Jean-René Fontaine called. The flop came {4-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} and the action checked through to the turn {k-Diamonds}. Fontaine checked and Mash bet 3.1 million, making Fontaine fold.

Hand #167: Jean-René Fontaine raised to 4 million, and Howard Mash folded.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Howard Mash us
Howard Mash
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Jean-René Fontaine fr
Jean-René Fontaine

Tags: Howard MashJean-René Fontaine

Hands #159-161: Mash Undaunted

Niveau 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
Howard Mash
Howard Mash

Hand #159: After swapping stacks, Fontaine raised to 3,100,000 on the button, called by Mash. They saw a {4-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{j-Hearts} flop, Mash checking and Fontaine beting 3,500,000; call. Both players checked the {k-Clubs} turn but after the {6-Spades} fell on the river, Fontaine folded showing a seven to Mash's bet of 10,500,000.

Hand #160: Mash limped the button, Jean-René Fontaine checked. On the {k-Clubs}{5-Spades}{6-Hearts} flop Fontaine check-called Mash's bet of 2,000,000. The turn: {10-Spades}. Fontaine checked again, Mash checked behind. On the river {a-Clubs} Fontaine checked once more, Mash bet 5,000,000 and took the pot down.

Hand #161: Fontaine gave Mash a walk.

Tags: Howard MashJean-René Fontaine

Hand #158: Bad River for Mash

Niveau 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Hand #158: Jean-René Fontaine raised to 4 million, and Howard Mash called. The flop came {6-Clubs}{k-Clubs}{5-Hearts}, and the action checked through to the turn, which fell {10-Hearts}.

After another round of check-check, the river brought the {9-Spades}. Mash went all-in, having Fontaine covered, and Fontaine made the call for his last 34.5 million. Mash showed {k-Spades}{6-Hearts} for two pair, but Fontaine had rivered a set with {9-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Jean-René Fontaine fr
Jean-René Fontaine
Profile photo of Howard Mash us
Howard Mash
WSOP 1X Winner

Hands #150-157: Mash Pulls Ahead Again

Niveau 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Hand #150: Fontaine raised to 3,100,000 on the button and Mash laid his hand down.

Hand #151: Mash raised on the button to 3,000,000 with the same effect.

Hand #152: Fontaine folded his button.

Hand #153: Mash folded right back at him.

Hand #154: Fontaine raised to 3,500,000 and picked up another blind from Mash.

Hand #155: Mash raised to 2,500,000 and Fontaine raised to 10,000,000 and took the pot down.

Hand #156: Fontaine let Mash have his small blind.

Hand #157: Mash raised to 2,500,000 once again, and once again faced a three-bet (12,000,000) from Fontaine. He called. On the {7-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{5-Clubs} flop, Fontaine checked and Mash bet 10,000,000. Fontaine folded after a brief ponder and Mash picked up the biggest pot in a while.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Howard Mash us
Howard Mash
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Jean-René Fontaine fr
Jean-René Fontaine

Tags: Howard MashJean-René Fontaine

Hands #144-149: Too Close to Call

Niveau 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Hand #144: Jean-René Fontaine raised to 3 million and Howard Mash called. The flop came {7-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{9-Spades}, and Mash check-called a 2 million bet from Fontaine.

The turn came the {4-Clubs}, and the action checked through to the river, which fell {j-Hearts}. Mash put in a 5 million bet and Fontaine folded.

Hand #145: Howard Mash raised to 2 million, and Jean-René Fontaine folded.

Hand #146: Jean-René Fontaine raised to 5 million, and Howard Mash folded.

Hand #147: Howard Mash opened to 2 million, and Jean-René Fontaine called. The action checked through the flop and turn on a {7-Spades}{2-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{8-Hearts} board. The river brought the {a-Clubs} ,Fontaine bet 3.5 million and Mash called (showdown cards unknown).

Hand #148: Jean-René Fontaine limped, and Howard Mash checked back. The flop came {k-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{10-Clubs}, Mash checked, and Fontaine bet 2 million, forcing a fold from Mash.

Hand #149: Howard Mash raised to 3 million, and Jean-René Fontaine folded

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Howard Mash us
Howard Mash
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Jean-René Fontaine fr
Jean-René Fontaine

Tags: Howard MashJean-René Fontaine

Niveau: 40

Blinds: 600,000/1,200,000

Ante: 1,200,000