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2019 World Series of Poker

Event #32: $1,000 Seniors No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Jours 4
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
600,000 / 1,200,000

Hands #51-54: Richardson Forces Folds

Niveau 37 : 300,000/600,000, 600,000 ante
Adam Richardson
Adam Richardson

Hand #51: All players folded to Jean-René Fontaine in the big blind. Fontaine showed {a-}{q-} as he collected the walk.

Hand #52: Adam Richardson bet 1.4 million on the cutoff, and Howard Mash called from the button. The flop came {2-Spades}{5-Hearts}{9-Spades}, Richardson bet 1.5 million and Mash called.

The turn came the {6-Spades}, Richardson bet 4.5 million and got the fold from Mash.

Hand #53: Howard Mash opened to 1.4 million from the cutoff, and Adam Richardson called on the big blind. The flop came {j-Spades}{6-Clubs}{8-Hearts}, and Richardson check-folded to a 1.6 million bet from Mash.

Hand #54: Adam Richardson limped on the small blind, and Howard Mash checked back. The action checked through the flop on a board of {7-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{7-Hearts}, bringing the {5-Clubs} turn. Richardson bet 1 million and Mash folded.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of James Mcnurlan us
James Mcnurlan
Profile photo of Adam Richardson us
Adam Richardson
Profile photo of Howard Mash us
Howard Mash
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Jean-René Fontaine fr
Jean-René Fontaine

Tags: Adam RichardsonHoward Mash

Hands #49-50: Set of Kings Pays Big for McNurlan

Niveau 37 : 300,000/600,000, 600,000 ante
James McnurlanAdam Richardson
James McnurlanAdam Richardson

Hand #49: Small blind Jim McNurlan called the extra 300,000, Richardson checked. {8-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{3-Spades} McNurley bet 2,500,000, Richardson folded and the turn and the river remain forever a mystery.

Hand #50: After Fontaine folded, McNurlan raised to 2,000,000 pre-flop, called by both Adam Richardson and Howard Mash. The trio checked the {q-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{8-Clubs} flop. The turn {5-Spades} saw Richardson lead out for 2.2 million; McNurlan alone made the call. The river: {8-Spades}. Richardson led for 7,000,000 and McNurlan made a significant raise to 17,000,000. Richardson understandably took some time to call, and when he did so McNurlan showed {k-Clubs}{k-Spades} and won the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of James Mcnurlan us
James Mcnurlan
Profile photo of Adam Richardson us
Adam Richardson

Tags: Adam RichardsonJames McNurlan

Hands #42-48: Mash Chips Away at McNurlan

Niveau 37 : 300,000/600,000, 600,000 ante
James Mcnurlan
James Mcnurlan

Hand #42: Howard Mash got a walk in the big blind.

Hand #43: Jim McNurlan raised to 3.5 million and took down the blinds.

Hand #44: Howard Mash raised to 2.6 million on the small blind and took down the pot uncontested.

Hand #45: Adam Richardson got a walk in the big blind.

Hand #46: Jim McNurlan raised to 1.2 million on the button, and took down the blinds.

Hand #47: Jim McNurlan limped on the cutoff, Howard Mash called on the small blind, and Jean-René Fontaine went all in for 13.4 million on the big blind. Both McNurlan and Mash folded.

Hand #48: Howard Mash opened to 2 million on the button, and Jim McNurlan called on the big blind. The flop came {4-Spades}{10-Hearts}{8-Hearts}, McNurlan checked and Mash put in a bet for 2.1 million. McNurlan called.

The turn came the {a-Clubs}, McNurlan checked, and Mash bet 4.6 million, getting the fold.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Adam Richardson us
Adam Richardson
Profile photo of James Mcnurlan us
James Mcnurlan
Profile photo of Jean-René Fontaine fr
Jean-René Fontaine
Profile photo of Howard Mash us
Howard Mash
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Adam RichardsonHoward MashJames Mcnurlan

Hands #36-41: Short Stack Shoves and Huge Stack Shoves (No Calls)

Niveau 37 : 300,000/600,000, 600,000 ante
Adam Richardson
Adam Richardson

Hand #36: Jean-René Fontaine moved all in preflop for 12,800,000 small blind on big and Jim McNurlan declined to put him at risk.

Hand #37: Fontaine moved all in again, for a little more now: 14,000,000, uncalled.

Hand #38: Fontaine sat the next one out; small blind Richardson raised to 1,400,000, picking up Mash's big blind and ante.

Hand #39: McNurlan, first to act, made it 2,400,000. Richardson called on the button. Flop: {10-Spades}{j-Spades}{4-Clubs}. McNurlan check-folded to Richardson's bet of 3,000,000.

Hand #40: Mash raised to 1,500,000, called by big blind McNurlan. Both players checked the {9-Clubs}{5-Spades}{7-Hearts} flop, then the {8-Clubs} turn saw McNurlan bet out 3,000,000. There was no further betting on the {a-Diamonds} river and Mash took the pot (cards unseen).

Hand #41: Small blind McNurlan raised to 3,000,000, called by big blind Richardson. The flop came down {9-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} and it all broke loose. McNurlan led out for 7,000,000 and Richardson raised all in - a mighty shove of 31,700,000 from the only player capable of threatening McNurlan's tournament life. He folded.

Tags: Jean-René FontaineHoward MashAdam RichardsonJames McNurlan

Niveau: 37

Blinds: 300,000/600,000

Ante: 600,000

Donald Matusow Eliminated in 5th Place ($170,887)

Niveau 36 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Donald Matusow
Donald Matusow

Hand #35: Donald Matusow went all in from the cutoff for 5.93 million, and James McNurlan called from the cutoff.

James Mcnurlan: {5-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}
Donald Matusow: {a-Clubs}{5-Clubs}

Board: {8-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}{9-Spades}

McNurlan’s pair of fives held, and Matusow’s run is over in fifth place.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of James Mcnurlan us
James Mcnurlan
Profile photo of Adam Richardson us
Adam Richardson
Profile photo of Howard Mash us
Howard Mash
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Jean-René Fontaine fr
Jean-René Fontaine
Profile photo of Donald Matusow us
Donald Matusow

Tags: Donald MatusowJames Mcnurlan

Hands #31-34: Big Stack Battle

Niveau 36 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Jean-René Fontaine
Jean-René Fontaine

Hand #31: Jean-René Fontaine raised to 1.25 million from the small blind, and the big blind folded.

Hand #32: Howard Mash raised to 1.3 million on the cutoff, and James McNurlan called on the big blind. The flop came {7-Spades}{a-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}and both players checked. The turn came the {2-Diamonds}, McNurlan checked and Mash bet 1.5 million, getting the fold.

Hand #33: Donald Matusow went all in for 4.43 million from the button, and all other players folded.

Hand #34: James McNurlan raised to 1.8 million on the button, Adam Richardson three-bet to 4.6 million from the small blind, McNurlan four-bet to 10.3 million and Richardson called. The flop came {3-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}, Richardson checked and McNurland went all in for his last 21.2 million. Richardson folded in this battle of the big stacks.

Tags: Adam RichardsonDonald MatusowHoward MashJames Mcnurlan

Hands #27-30: It Folds to the Blinds Four Hands in a Row

Niveau 36 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Donald Matusow
Donald Matusow

Hand #27: It folded to the blinds, where Donald Matusow raised to 1,350,000 and Jim McNurlan called. On a flop of {j-Spades}{8-Spades}{2-Diamonds} Matusow bet out: 2,000,000. McNurlan wasted little time in raising to 7,680,000 and Matusow let it go.

Hand #28: Another fold to the blinds, and beyond - Adam Richardson auto-won with a walk.

Hand #29: Richardson limped his small blind, Mash checked his option. They checked down the whole board which ran out {3-Hearts}{j-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} {k-Clubs} {3-Clubs} and Mash tabled ten-high to win the pot.

Hand #30: The folding-to-sb-trend continued. Mash completed to 500,000, Jean-René Fontaine checked. On a flop of {7-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{2-Spades} Mash bet 800,000 and Fontaine called. Similar action occurred on the {j-Diamonds} turn: Mash bet 1,400,000 and got a call. Both players checked the {k-Clubs} river Mash tabling {k-Hearts}{7-Spades} and Fontaine a surprise two red queens, losing to Mash's pair of kings.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Adam Richardson us
Adam Richardson
Profile photo of James Mcnurlan us
James Mcnurlan
Profile photo of Howard Mash us
Howard Mash
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Jean-René Fontaine fr
Jean-René Fontaine
Profile photo of Donald Matusow us
Donald Matusow

Tags: Adam RichardsonDonald MatusowHoward Mash

Hands #22-26: Lots of Folding

Niveau 36 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Jean-René Fontaine
Jean-René Fontaine

Hand #22: Jean-René Fontaine raised to 2.3 million from the button, and both blinds folded.

Hand #23: James Mcnurlan raised to 1.5 million from the small blind, and Adam Richardson called from the big blind. The action checked down on all three streets on a board of {6-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{a-Hearts}{4-Spades}, and McNurland took down the pot, showing {k-Spades}{5-Spades}.

Hand #24: James Mcnurlan raised to 1.7 button, and all other players folded.

Hand #25: Jean-René Fontaine got a walk in the big blind.

Hand #26: James Mcnurlan raised to 1.1 million and all other players folded.

Tags: Adam RichardsonJames Mcnurlan

Hands #19-21: Limps, Three-bets and Checked Straights

Niveau 36 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Howard Mash
Howard Mash

Hand #19: Five-handed action commenced with a raise from Adam Richardson to 1,100,000, called by Howard Mash in the big blind. Mash checked the {8-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{4-Diamonds} flop and Richardson bet 700,000. Mash called again. The turn: {3-Clubs}. Mash led out for 1,500,000 and Richardson folded.

Hand #20: Jim McNurlan opened to 1,300,000, called by Richardson on the button. Small blind Mash raised to 3,600,000 prompting two quickish folds. Mash picked up nearly 3 million chips with that one three-bet.

Hand #21: Richardson limped the sb for 500,000, Donald Matusow checked his option. The flop came down {4-Spades}{j-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds} and saw a check from Matusow and a bet of 600,000 from Richardson. Matusow made the call for a {9-Diamonds} turn. Betting dried up at this juncture, with checks here and on the {6-Spades} river. Matusow tabled {10-Clubs}{q-Clubs} for a straight and took the pot.

Tags: Adam RichardsonDonald MatusowHoward Mash

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