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2017 PokerStars Championship Barcelona

€10,300 High Roller
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Barcelona

Ronny Kaiser
Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
300,000 / 600,000
Ronny Kaiser Wins the 2017 PSC Barcelona High Roller
Ronny Kaiser Wins the 2017 PSC Barcelona High Roller
Ronny Kaiser Wins the 2017 PSC Barcelona High Roller
Ronny Kaiser Wins the 2017 PSC Barcelona High Roller
Ronny Kaiser Wins the 2017 PSC Barcelona High Roller
Ronny Kaiser Wins the 2017 PSC Barcelona High Roller
Final Hand
Final Hand
Markus Durnegger
Markus Durnegger
Deal Discussions
Deal Discussions
Final Table
Final Table
Luis Rodriguez Cruz
Luis Rodriguez Cruz
Marc-Olivier Perrault
Marc-Olivier Perrault
Marius Gierse
Marius Gierse
Marc-Oliver Perrault
Marc-Oliver Perrault
Christopher Kruk
Christopher Kruk
Georgios Sotiropoulos
Georgios Sotiropoulos
Parker Talbot
Parker Talbot
Emil Patel
Emil Patel
Christophher Kruk
Christophher Kruk
Emil Patel
Emil Patel
Alexandre Reard
Alexandre Reard
Emil Patel
Emil Patel
Markus Durnegger
Markus Durnegger
Parker Talbot
Parker Talbot
Georgios Sotiropoulos
Georgios Sotiropoulos
Marc-Oliver Perrault
Marc-Oliver Perrault
Parker Talbot
Parker Talbot
Marius Gierse
Marius Gierse
Fabrice Maltez
Fabrice Maltez
Quan Zhou
Quan Zhou
Jakub Michalak
Jakub Michalak
Marius Gierse
Marius Gierse
Parker Talbot
Parker Talbot
Tomi Brouk
Tomi Brouk
Parker Talbot
Parker Talbot
Tomi Brouk
Tomi Brouk
Parker Talbot
Parker Talbot
Franz Ditz
Franz Ditz
Sergio Cabrera
Sergio Cabrera
Sergio Cabrera
Sergio Cabrera
Ihar Soika
Ihar Soika
Conor Beresford
Conor Beresford
Alexandre Reard
Alexandre Reard
Boris Kolev
Boris Kolev
Conor Beresford
Conor Beresford
Conor Beresford
Conor Beresford
Franz Ditz
Franz Ditz
Ronny Kaiser
Ronny Kaiser
Marc-Olivier Perrault
Marc-Olivier Perrault
Tournament organization
Tournament organization
Jake Cody
Jake Cody
Pascal Hartmann
Pascal Hartmann
Tomi Brouk
Tomi Brouk
Benjamin Pollak
Benjamin Pollak
Marc-Olivier Perrault
Marc-Olivier Perrault
Sam Grafton
Sam Grafton
Jake Cody
Jake Cody
Quan Zhou
Quan Zhou
Stefan Schillhabel
Stefan Schillhabel
Jens Lakemeier
Jens Lakemeier
Jens Lakemeier
Jens Lakemeier
Timur Margolin
Timur Margolin
Thiago Crema / Rafael Moraes
Thiago Crema / Rafael Moraes
Thiago Crema / Rafael Moraes
Thiago Crema / Rafael Moraes
Thiago Crema / Rafael Moraes
Thiago Crema / Rafael Moraes
Steve O'Dwyer
Steve O'Dwyer
Oliver Weis
Oliver Weis
Nick Petrangelo
Nick Petrangelo
Matthias De Meulder
Matthias De Meulder
Jeff Gross
Jeff Gross
Jake Cody
Jake Cody
Jasper Meijer van Putten / Jake Cody
Jasper Meijer van Putten / Jake Cody
Helio Neves
Helio Neves
Georgios Sotiropoulos
Georgios Sotiropoulos
Georgios Vrakas
Georgios Vrakas
Georgios Sotiropoulos
Georgios Sotiropoulos
Frank Williams
Frank Williams
Frank Williams
Frank Williams
Felipe Ramos
Felipe Ramos
Christoph Vogelsang / Byron Kaverman
Christoph Vogelsang / Byron Kaverman
Dimitar Danchev
Dimitar Danchev
Christoph Vogelsang / Byron Kaverman
Christoph Vogelsang / Byron Kaverman
Christoph Vogelsang
Christoph Vogelsang
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