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2021 World Series of Poker

Event #67: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event World Championship
Event Info

2021 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
1,200,000 / 2,400,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 4
Joueurs Survivants

Event #67: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event World Championship

Jour 4 terminé

Ramon Colillas en tête avant le Jour 5, Encore 9 Français en lice

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Roman Colillas
Roman Colillas

Ils étaient 6650 sur la ligne de départ de ce tournoi à 10.000$ Freezout et les 292 survivants du Main Event des WSOP 2021 ont joué 20 niveaux et 40 heures de poker au Rio de Las Vegas. Parmi les rescapés qui disputeront le Jour 5, 9 Français assurés d'un gain de 33.900$... une paille par rapport aux 8 millions promis au vainqueur!

Après la bulle lors du Jour 3, 1000 survivants revenaient avec l'idée de monter un tapis pour se lancer à la conquête d'un énorme deep-run. La vérité d'un jour n'est pas celle du suivant et Jessica Cai n'a pas passé l'obstacle.

En tête à la reprise, l'Américaine a sauté après avoir atteint le Top 500 et manquera la grande explication. Chipleader à l'issue du Day 4, l'Espagnol et Team Pro PokerStars Ramon Colillas en sera. Le vainqueur du PSPC Bahamas (pour 5,1 millions de dollars) est de nouveau lancé dans une conquête fantastique, il a emballé 5 millions de jetons soit encore plus de 200 blindes!

Ramon Colillas a régné sur l'Amazon Room, encaissant les jetons avec régularité pour terminer au sommet. Présent dans le haut du classement à l'entame du Jour 4, Stephen Song s'est aussi régalé. L'Américain a terminé avec 4,4 millions de jetons et signe déjà son meilleur parcours sur le Main Event... de quoi rêver d'un deuxième bracelet même si la route est encore très longue.

Autre cador du circuit à finir dans les hauteurs du classement, l'Anglais Stephen Chidwick. Vainqueur WSOP lui aussi, l'ancien n°1 du classement GPI a terminé avec 4,3 millions de jetons. Une bonne journée de boulot et un joueur qui s'annonce redoutable pour la suite de la compétition...

Un temps chipleader lors du Day 4, le Canadien Jonathan Dwek a terminé avec 3,5 millions de jetons et une énorme profondeur à ce stade. L'Américaine Dragana Lim (3,8 millions) continue elle aussi de monter un joli château, tout comme les Britanniques Alex Goulder (2,9 millions) et Tobby Lewis (2,6 millions) ou l'inusable Chance Kornuth (2,7)

julian Milliard Feral et Nicolas Dumont en chef de clan (ou pas)

Ce joli monde sera en position favorable pour la reprise sur les blindes 12,000/24,000 (24,000) et un Day 5 à suivre en direct sur PokerNews dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche.

Julian Milliard-Feral
Julian Milliard-Feral

Expatrié aux USA et auteur d'un deep-run sur le Main Event 2019 (334e pour 38 240$), Julian Milliard est en très bonne position pour faire mieux. Le Français a emballé 2,6 millions et gagné en expérience depuis la dernière édition, il a notamment pris un demi-million de dollars sur le Wynn Millions et s'annonce comme un porte drapeau qui ne lâchera rien.

Vainqueur de l'EPT Grand Final, Nicolas Dumont a multiplié son tapis par 7 durant la journée pour finir à 2,2 millions. Plus qu'une journée à passer et madame prendra l'avion pour le soutenir à Las Vegas!

Ce duo accompagne 7 autres Français au Jour 5 du Main Event WSOP 2021. Parmi eux on retrouve le vainqueur EPT Arnaud Mattern et les vainqueurs WSOP Jean-Luc Adam et Ivan Deyra. En freeroll après son succès sur le King 5 de Winamax, Nicolas Vayssières est toujours là et avec le plus gros tapis des tricolores après avoir frappé un brelan pour craquer {a-}{a-} en fin de nuit!

Les pros Clément Van Driessche et Johan Martinet ont aussi franchi l'obstacle sans trembler. Chef de produit chez PMU Poker et habitué des bonnes performances online, Pierre de Almeida peut lui aussi encore rêver en grand avec le tapis qui va avec!

Les Français qualifiés pour le Jour 5

Nicolas Vayssières2 797 000 (117bb)
Julian Milliard Feral2 610 000
Clément van Driessche2 600 000
Nicolas Dumont2 195 000
Jean-Luc Adam1 580 000
Pierre de Almeida1 480 000
Johan Martinet1 558 000
Moyenne1 366 000 (57bb)
Arnaud Mattern900 000
Ivan Deyra889 000 (37bb)

Parmi les joueurs encore dans le coup, on notera la présence de John Morgan (2,4 millions) Fatima Nanji (2,3 millions), Roman Hrabec (1,8 million), Asher Conniff (1,7 million), Daniel Weinman (1,5 million) ou de l'ancien vainqueur Qui Nguyen (1,1 million). Le duo Nick Petrangelo - Dan Heimiller navigue lui juste en dessous du million de jetons.

Yuri Dzivielevski est juste derrière avec Pete Chen alors que Chris Moneymaker a emballé 621 000 jetons soit encore 26 blindes à la reprise.

David Lappin, le vainqueur WSOP Jonathan Aguiar, Andrew Ostapchenko, Ken Aldridge, Steve Zolotow, Marle Spragg ou Olivier Biles ont eux entre 8 et 20 blindes et ne devront plus traîner en route. Mais le rêve est vivant!

Bertrand Grospellier
Bertrand Grospellier

Millionaire à un moment du Day 4, Bertrand Grospellier a perdu un pot au dessus de la moyenne à quelques encablures de la fin de journée. Le n°1 de la All Time Money List France s'est incliné comme 25 de ses compatriotes lors d'une journée où il y aura eu plus d'un sortant par minute.

Auteur d'une belle résistance, l'amateur Karim Lehoussine a vu aussi son parcours s'arrêter en fin de nuit. Avant cela, José Astima avait rendu les armes après avoir atteint le Top 500 du tournoi.

Finaliste du Main Event, Antoine Labat ne refera pas l'exploit cette année alors que le finaliste EPT Franck Kalfon s'est lui aussi arrêté en chemin. Fin de l'aventure aussi pour Romain Lewis, le Team Pro Winamax ne gagnera pas le Last Longer de son équipe puisque si Bruno "Kool" Shen et Mustapha Kanit ont tenu moins de 10 minutes, l'Espagnole Leo Margets a résisté plus longtemps...

Ils ont sauté au Jour 4

  • Bertrand Grospellier (312e) pour 33.900$
  • Karim Lehoussine (354e) pour 30.000$
  • José Astima (447e) pour 26.700$
  • Robin Guillaumot (506e) pour 23.900$
  • Jean-Baptiste Dequengo (508e) pour 23.900$
  • Yehoram Houri (547e) pour 21.600$
  • Alexandre Servies (553e) pour 21.600$
  • Antoine Labat (610e) pour 20.000$
  • Franck Kalfon (601e) pour 21.600$
  • Antoine Labat (610e) pour 20.000$
  • Romain Lewis (671e) pour 17.500$
  • Mickael Schwartz (673e) pour 17.500$
  • Sonny Franco (694e) pour 17.500$
  • Freddy Darakjian (695e) pour 17.500$
  • Antonin Teisseire (703e) pour 17.500$
  • Gilles Lamy (765e) pour 17.500$
  • Eliott Kessas (892e) pour 15.000$
  • Fabrice Bigot (904e) pour 15.000$
  • Mickael Lacaze (907e) pour 15.000$
  • Slimane Mameche (919e) pour 15.000$
  • Vincent Louison (945e) pour 15.000$
  • Ulysse Harry (968e) pour 15.000$
  • Bruno Lopes (987e) pour 15.000$
  • Samy Dubonnet (990e) pour 15.000$
  • Tzur Levy (994e) pour 15.000$

La journée a aussi été plutôt courte pour Sonny Franco et le vainqueur WSOP Antonin Teisseire, les deux amis ayant été voisins de tables quelques minutes. Les jeunes Samy Dubonnet, Ulysse Harry auront probablement envie de revenir après un superbe parcours alors que c'est aussi terminé pour le dernier Team Pro PMU Poker en lice. Michael Schwartz a franchi un palier et signé son plus gros gain de sa jeune carrière live, un résultat encourageant pour le vainqueur du Pro Dream...

Antoine Labat
Antoine Labat

Ils ont sauté au Jour 4:
Garry Hasson (314e), Renan Bruschi (326e), Ben Yu (327e), JJ Liu (331e), Anton Wigg (347e), Andre Akkari (348e), Barry Greenstein (388e), Kitty Kuo (408e), Gianluca Sperenza (428e), Chris Moorman (432e), Tim Reilly (439e), eo Margets (453e), Mike Matusow (503e), Scott Davies (505e), Johan Schumacher (531e), David Pham (544e), Brian Yoon (549e), Harrison Gimbel (554e), Bart Lybaert (576e), Ronnie Bardah (577e), Chis Vogelsang (604e), Pavel Plesuv (622e), Russell Thomas (633e), Craig Varnell (639e), Mike Noori (655e), Massoud Eskandari (662e), Chad Eveslage (667e), Jared Bleznick (681e), Yueqi Zhu, Brock Wilson, Rob Mizrachi, Garry Gates, Dietrich Fast, Billy Baxter, Randy Ohel, Roland Israelashvili, Miguel Use, Francisco Benitez, Eric Mizrachi, Jana Vondach, Justin Young, Sam Abernathy, Adam Owen, Johnnie Moreno, Max Lehmanski, Mark Newhouse, Ivan Demidov, Melisa Singh, Kathy Liebert, Artan Dedusha, Mustapha Kanit, Marton Czuczor...

Le Classement complet du Main Event WSOP 2021

Le payout de la finale

Vainqueur8 000 000$
Runner Up4 300 000$
3e3 000 000$
4e2 300 000$
5e1 800 000$
6e1 400 000$
7e1 225 000$
8e1 100 000$
9e1 000 000$

Tags: Chris MoneymakerDan HeimillerDavid LappinFernando RodriguezJessica CaiJosh AriehKevin GerhartMarle SpraggNick PetrangeloRamon ColillasStephen ChidwickStephen Song

Day 5 Main Event Seat Draw

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
ROOMTABLESEATPlayerCountryChipsBig Blinds
Amazon4491Nicolas VayssieresUnited States2,797,000117
Amazon4492Jesse LonisUnited States1,485,00062
Amazon4493Gary PatanjoUnited States518,00022
Amazon4494Mark ZulloUnited States2,001,00083
Amazon4495Norbert KohSingapore3,004,000125
Amazon4496Julian SacksUnited States2,742,000114
Amazon4497Fernando RodriguezUnited States3,442,000143
Amazon4498Qui NguyenUnited States1,146,00048
Amazon4501Takashi YaguraJapan702,00029
Amazon4502Brett HalanUnited States752,00031
Amazon4503David ColemanUnited States969,00040
Amazon4504Adrian StateUnited Kingdom1,400,00058
Amazon4505Alex GoulderUnited Kingdom2,957,000123
Amazon4506Oleksii KravchukUkraine510,00021
Amazon4507Michael NugentCanada2,432,000101
Amazon4508Marshall WhiteUnited States1,404,00059
Amazon4509Arnaud MatternFrance900,00038
Amazon4511Salko ImsirovicUnited States600,00025
Amazon4512Florian FuchsUnited States863,00036
Amazon4513George WongUnited States1,546,00064
Amazon4514John SongUnited States511,00021
Amazon4515Jeffrey ReardonCanada1,047,00044
Amazon4516Daniel LoweryUnited States1,727,00072
Amazon4517Robert MitchellUnited States798,00033
Amazon4518David CabreraUnited States1,491,00062
Amazon4519Frederico Dos Santos SilvaPortugal2,206,00092
Amazon4521Jackob DatashviliUnited States926,00039
Amazon4522Dae Woong SongSouth Korea844,00035
Amazon4523Austin LewisUnited States578,00024
Amazon4524Denys PrydvorUnited States1,608,00067
Amazon4525Nicholas ManganaroUnited States318,00013
Amazon4526Philipe Pizzari PintoUnited States2,321,00097
Amazon4527JJ DeLaGarzaUnited States340,00014
Amazon4528Michael JensenUnited States2,360,00098
Amazon4529Andreas KniepGermany2,350,00098
Amazon4532Michael BerlandUnited States529,00022
Amazon4533Arkadi OnikoulUnited States606,00025
Amazon4534Chris MoneymakerUnited States621,00026
Amazon4535Benjamin Armstrong (GA)United States1,900,00079
Amazon4536Jose Vieira MartinsPortugal2,348,00098
Amazon4537Joshua SuyatUnited States1,295,00054
Amazon4538Matt WaxmanUnited States289,00012
Amazon4539Phachara WongwichitUnited States658,00027
Amazon4561Yiming CaoUnited States847,00035
Amazon4562Joe NalbandyanUnited States234,00010
Amazon4563Jose WongUnited States312,00013
Amazon4564Thissa DesilvaUnited Kingdom802,00033
Amazon4565Jon ShoremanUnited Kingdom286,00012
Amazon4566Jonas KronwitterGermany1,455,00061
Amazon4567Ronnie AbroUnited States990,00041
Amazon4568Ognyan DimovBulgaria2,069,00086
Amazon4569Jason KoonUnited States765,00032
Amazon4571Erik GormanUnited States1,590,00066
Amazon4572Timothy CramerUnited States1,785,00074
Amazon4573Rory BrownIreland1,714,00071
Amazon4574Rameez ShahidCanada1,113,00046
Amazon4575Chris AlafogiannisCanada1,482,00062
Amazon4576Michael SchneiderUnited States831,00035
Amazon4577Will MolsonCanada616,00026
Amazon4578Joshua TamUnited States948,00040
Amazon4579Zachary OkinUnited States457,00019
Amazon4581Steven KirtonUnited States600,00025
Amazon4582Hyunshik Yun 308,00013
Amazon4583David LappinIreland294,00012
Amazon4584Alireza AmiriUnited States1,647,00069
Amazon4585Jose FerroColombia1,177,00049
Amazon4586Benjamin SteinwachsUnited States1,537,00064
Amazon4587Glynn BeebeUnited States821,00034
Amazon4588Bradley RogoffUnited States616,00026
Amazon4591Vangelis KaimakamisGreece773,00032
Amazon4592Ravid GarbiIsrael2,524,000105
Amazon4593Yaniv PeretzIsrael1,946,00081
Amazon4594Vasu AmarapuUnited States564,00024
Amazon4595Adam MonaghanUnited Kingdom381,00016
Amazon4596Dragana LimUnited States3,801,000158
Amazon4597Eyal EshkarIsrael542,00023
Amazon4598Julian Milliard-FeralFrance2,610,000109
Amazon4599Shaun O'DonnellUnited States799,00033
Amazon4601Chris DowlingIreland1,291,00054
Amazon4602Samuel GagnonCanada1,380,00058
Amazon4603Ross SantosUnited States833,00035
Amazon4604Cody WiegmannUnited States1,600,00067
Amazon4605Jay RomanoUnited States910,00038
Amazon4606Frank WeigelUnited States348,00015
Amazon4607Robert LeeUnited States1,947,00081
Amazon4608Maximilian WieserAustria1,299,00054
Amazon4609Asher ConniffUnited States1,681,00070
Amazon4611Robert BrownUnited States403,00017
Amazon4612Cole ChaitUnited States960,00040
Amazon4613Melissa BryneUnited States807,00034
Amazon4614Jonas HagstromSweden1,568,00065
Amazon4615Jameel HarrisUnited States702,00029
Amazon4616Stephen GerberUnited States2,468,000103
Amazon4617Tsz ShingUnited States144,0006
Amazon4618Sean RagozziniUnited Kingdom2,080,00087
Amazon4619Yale GreenfieldUnited States852,00036
Amazon4631Adam WaltonUnited States2,815,000117
Amazon4632Brian MetterUnited States1,058,00044
Amazon4633Nikolay FalRussia773,00032
Amazon4634Ugur SecilmisTurkey2,900,000121
Amazon4635Chris VezzettiUnited States2,131,00089
Amazon4636Neel ChoksiUnited States972,00041
Amazon4637Boshuang GaoUnited States441,00018
Amazon4638Carlo SolertiUnited States486,00020
Amazon4639Max AvelaFinland1,197,00050
Amazon4641Mitchell HalversonUnited States1,767,00074
Amazon4642Robert LipkinUnited States2,564,000107
Amazon4643Pavlo VekslerUkraine910,00038
Amazon4644Adam DuongUnited States1,100,00046
Amazon4645Justin LibertoUnited States239,00010
Amazon4646Joshua RemitioUnited States1,948,00081
Amazon4647Pedro OliveiraPortugal1,476,00062
Amazon4648Chase BianchiUnited States1,544,00064
Amazon4649Daniel WeinmanUnited States1,565,00065
Amazon4651Andrew BocciaUnited States398,00017
Amazon4652Brian FrascaUnited States3,278,000137
Amazon4653Roman ValersteinUnited States1,778,00074
Amazon4654Alejandro LococoArgentina1,050,00044
Amazon4655Tanner LeffertsUnited States559,00023
Amazon4656Cole FerraroUnited States3,125,000130
Amazon4657Jeremy MeachamUnited States1,230,00051
Amazon4658Fatima NanjiCanada2,307,00096
Amazon4659Koray AldemirAustria1,933,00081
Amazon4661Jung WooUnited States1,341,00056
Amazon4662Glen KeoghIreland846,00035
Amazon4663Pierre De AlmeidaFrance1,482,00062
Amazon4664Robert FeathersUnited States2,081,00087
Amazon4665Nick PetrangeloUnited States966,00040
Amazon4666Pete SkyllasUnited States2,500,000104
Amazon4667Chance KornuthUnited States2,327,00097
Amazon4668Lewe ThiessenGermany883,00037
Amazon4669Matt BerkeyUnited States1,535,00064
Amazon4671Ken AldridgeUnited States353,00015
Amazon4672Matthew KaplanUnited States1,084,00045
Amazon4673Sammy LafleurCanada566,00024
Amazon4674Moshe VaizmanUnited States1,227,00051
Amazon4675Breno SilvaBelize2,670,000111
Amazon4676Ran IlaniIsrael676,00028
Amazon4677Patrick WallUnited States1,590,00066
Amazon4678Kyle AroraUnited States2,429,000101
Amazon4679Pete ChenTaiwan798,00033
Amazon4681Joshua FieldUnited States1,417,00059
Amazon4682Hennock FessehaieUnited States2,000,00083
Amazon4683Jeffrey Trudeau Jr.United States2,972,000124
Amazon4684Toby LewisUnited Kingdom2,637,000110
Amazon4685Ivan DeyraFrance889,00037
Amazon4686Vladas TamasauskasLithuania690,00029
Amazon4687Dillon OttUnited States776,00032
Amazon4688Stephen ChidwickUnited Kingdom4,376,000182
Amazon4689Shai ArbelUnited States2,587,000108
Amazon4701Michael LavinUnited States1,262,00053
Amazon4702Ryan RoederUnited States1,415,00059
Amazon4703Conrad SimpsonUnited States2,069,00086
Amazon4704Eliot HudonCanada623,00026
Amazon4705James AndersonUnited States521,00022
Amazon4706Phong ChauUnited States1,242,00052
Amazon4707Matthew SchulteUnited States1,039,00043
Amazon4708Gerald CohenUnited States515,00021
Amazon4709Rittie ChuaprasertUnited States613,00026
Amazon4711Connor ArliaUnited States250,00010
Amazon4712Nicolas DumontFrance2,195,00091
Amazon4713David MockUnited States2,015,00084
Amazon4714Jake TooleUnited States1,710,00071
Amazon4715Hiren PatelUnited States1,661,00069
Amazon4716Jareth EastBreno Silva2,273,00095
Amazon4717Abhinav IyerIndia608,00025
Amazon4718Tim BurtUnited States235,00010
Amazon4719Artashes KartalyanUnited States1,064,00044
Amazon4721Christopher TrangUnited States2,672,000111
Amazon4722Gabriel SackUnited States1,526,00064
Amazon4723Nang MakUnited States484,00020
Amazon4724Champie DouglasUnited States488,00020
Amazon4725Maurice AmsellemUnited States861,00036
Amazon4726Dale JonesUnited States385,00016
Amazon4727Jason OsserUnited States3,900,700163
Amazon4728Rhett WisemanUnited States815,00034
Amazon4731Behrooz JamshidiUnited States306,00013
Amazon4732Ramon ColillasSpain5,000,000208
Amazon4733Jean-Luc AdamFrance1,580,00066
Amazon4734Hayden FortiniUnited States697,00029
Amazon4735Jameson PainterUnited States652,00027
Amazon4736Tyler CornellUnited States1,860,00078
Amazon4737Gareth McmahonIreland2,128,00089
Amazon4738Ryan ClarkCanada360,00015
Amazon4741Bryan BraswellUnited States1,754,00073
Amazon4742Christopher BolioUnited States390,00016
Amazon4743Kyle ChangCanada924,00039
Amazon4744Andy SpearsUnited States2,765,000115
Amazon4745Eric BlairUnited States1,193,00050
Amazon4746Niv DecaloUnited States529,00022
Amazon4747Craig SchauerUnited States961,00040
Amazon4748Punnat PunsriThailand522,00022
Amazon4749Dan HeimillerUnited States988,00041
Amazon4751Clement Van DriesscheFrance2,615,000109
Amazon4752Steve ZolotowUnited States310,00013
Amazon4753Benjamin HermanUnited States922,00038
Amazon4754Andrew DickUnited States1,217,00051
Amazon4755Hogyun KangSouth Korea1,537,00064
Amazon4756Ruslan DykshteynUnited States938,00039
Amazon4757Anar KhalilovUnited States734,00031
Amazon4758Charbel KanterjianCanada1,975,00082
Amazon4759Farhad JamasiUnited States1,165,00049
Amazon4771Raul ManzanaresUnited Kingdom1,496,00062
Amazon4772John GonzalezUnited States2,106,00088
Amazon4773Andrew OstapchenkoUnited States577,00024
Amazon4774John SkrovanUnited States638,00027
Amazon4775Tonio RoderGermany2,302,50096
Amazon4776Dave StefanskiUnited States1,141,00048
Amazon4777Joseph MarincolaUnited States482,00020
Amazon4778Daniel SewnigUnited States755,00031
Amazon4779Ehsan AmiriAustrailia2,226,00093
Amazon4781Weston PringCanada1,139,00047
Amazon4782Justin TurnerUnited States789,00033
Amazon4783Zachary McdiarmidUnited States4,093,000171
Amazon4784Roongsak GriffethUnited States2,595,000108
Amazon4785Ayodesi CokerUnited States890,00037
Amazon4786Niko KoopGermany2,346,00098
Amazon4787Daniel SwartzUnited States1,200,00050
Amazon4788Marty ZabibUnited States655,00027
Amazon4789Yuhei SanadaJapan1,157,00048
Amazon4791Richard LeeUnited States2,000,00083
Amazon4792Keith LehrUnited States2,914,000121
Amazon4793Tristan WadeUnited States1,609,00067
Amazon4794Hye ParkUnited States1,150,00048
Amazon4795Robert HoverUnited States465,00019
Amazon4796Hao SunUnited States463,00019
Amazon4797Marcos ExterkotterBrazil1,253,00052
Amazon4798Jack OliverUnited Kingdom1,878,00078
Amazon4799Jose SeverinoPanama918,00038
Amazon4801Ricky TangCanada1,222,00051
Amazon4802Michael FaulknerUnited States1,040,00043
Amazon4803Jeremy JosephUnited States2,564,000107
Amazon4804Ranganath KanchiUnited States1,740,00073
Amazon4805Jacob ConnellyUnited States2,749,000115
Amazon4806Jonathan AguiarPortugal605,00025
Amazon4807Ran ShaharRomania1,929,00080
Amazon4808Emilio NunezBrazil458,00019
Amazon4809Conrad De ArmasUnited States1,880,00078
Amazon4811Mimi LuuUnited States459,00019
Amazon4812Dan DykeUnited States439,00018
Amazon4813Olivier RebelloCanada1,300,00054
Amazon4814George HolmesUnited States1,974,00082
Amazon4815Chad ThomsenCanada420,00018
Amazon4816John MorganUnited States2,421,000101
Amazon4817Martin PineiroArgentina978,00041
Amazon4818Clifford ConnersUnited States649,00027
Amazon4819Morgan MachinaUnited States943,00039
Amazon4841Christoph StrehlGermany1,470,00061
Amazon4842Gary ChengCanada721,00030
Amazon4843Felix BleikerSwitzerland676,00028
Amazon4844Oshri LahmaniIsrael2,620,000109
Amazon4845Ion GodorojaUnited States536,00022
Amazon4846Johan MartinetFrance1,558,00065
Amazon4847Mikiya KudoJapan898,00037
Amazon4848Yuri DzivielevskiBrazil820,00034
Amazon4849Matija DobricHungary811,00034
Amazon4851Omar SaeedUnited States748,00031
Amazon4852Carlos Matos-ErarteUnited States1,636,00068
Amazon4853Lewis SpencerUnited Kingdom2,310,00096
Amazon4854Preston McEwenUnited States1,874,00078
Amazon4855Richard AlsupUnited States775,00032
Amazon4856Marle SpraggUnited States302,00013
Amazon4857Benjamin DieboldUnited States1,291,00054
Amazon4858James GilbertUnited States2,037,00085
Amazon4859Jeremy LevinUnited States449,00019
Amazon4861Robert CowenUnited Kingdom957,00040
Amazon4862David FloodCanada1,107,00046
Amazon4863Nicholas RigbyUnited States1,747,00073
Amazon4864Chang LuoChina2,345,00098
Amazon4865Marcel McgrayUnited States762,00032
Amazon4866Santiago PlanteCanada450,00019
Amazon4867Oliver BilesUnited Kingdom195,0008
Amazon4868Bryan PimlottUnited States1,502,00063
Amazon4869Stephen SongUnited States4,417,000184
Amazon4871Jacob MillsteinUnited States331,00014
Amazon4872Demosthenes KiriopoulosCanada4,500,000188
Amazon4873Zachary GrechUnited States1,074,00045
Amazon4874Mark MazzaUnited States343,00014
Amazon4875Aristeidis MoschonasGreece2,071,00086
Amazon4876Francis CruzDominican Republic735,00031
Amazon4877Charlie DawsonUnited States1,192,00050
Amazon4878Heng ZhangUnited States585,00024
Amazon4879Andy LiUnited States883,00037
Amazon4881Roman HrabecCzech Republic1,789,00075
Amazon4882Jonathan DwekCanada3,955,000165
Amazon4883Elilton GouveiaUnited States828,00035
Amazon4884Ronald JensenUnited States2,075,00086
Amazon4885Casey CoughlanUnited States1,850,00077
Amazon4886Joey WeissmanUnited States514,00021
Amazon4887Josh PragerUnited States660,00028
Amazon4888Matthew JewettUnited States3,398,000142
Amazon4889Robert CunhaUnited States1,180,00049

End-of-Day 4 Chip Counts (complet)

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Ramon Colillas es
Ramon Colillas
Day 4 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Demosthenes Kiriopoulos ca
Demosthenes Kiriopoulos
Profile photo of Stephen Song us
Stephen Song
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Stephen Chidwick gb
Stephen Chidwick
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Zachary Mcdiarmid us
Zachary Mcdiarmid
Profile photo of Jonathan Dwek ca
Jonathan Dwek
Profile photo of Jason Osser us
Jason Osser
Profile photo of Dragana Lim us
Dragana Lim
Profile photo of Fernando Rodriguez pr
Fernando Rodriguez
Profile photo of Matthew Jewett us
Matthew Jewett
Profile photo of Brian Frasca us
Brian Frasca
Profile photo of Cole Ferraro us
Cole Ferraro
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Norbert Koh sg
Norbert Koh
Profile photo of Jeffrey Trudeau us
Jeffrey Trudeau
Profile photo of Alex Goulder gb
Alex Goulder
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Keith Lehr
WSOP 2X Winner
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Ozgur Secilmis
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Adam Walton
Day 1F Chip Leader
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Nicolas Vayssieres
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Andy Spears
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Jacob Connelly
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Julian Sacks
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Christopher Trang
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Breno Campelo
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Toby Lewis
WSOP 1X Winner

Lire Plus

Assorted End-of-Day 4 Chip Counts

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Ramon Colillas es
Ramon Colillas
Day 4 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Demosthenes Kiriopoulos ca
Demosthenes Kiriopoulos
Profile photo of Stephen Song us
Stephen Song
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Stephen Chidwick gb
Stephen Chidwick
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Jason Osser us
Jason Osser
Profile photo of Dragana Lim us
Dragana Lim
Profile photo of Fernando Rodriguez pr
Fernando Rodriguez
Profile photo of Matthew Jewett us
Matthew Jewett
Profile photo of Jeffrey Trudeau us
Jeffrey Trudeau
Profile photo of Alex Goulder gb
Alex Goulder
Profile photo of Adam Walton us
Adam Walton
Day 1F Chip Leader
Profile photo of Andy Spears us
Andy Spears
Profile photo of Julian Sacks us
Julian Sacks
Profile photo of Breno Diniz Campelo Silva br
Breno Diniz Campelo Silva
Profile photo of Toby Lewis gb
Toby Lewis
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Julian Milliard-Feral fr
Julian Milliard-Feral
Profile photo of Roongsak Griffeth us
Roongsak Griffeth
Profile photo of Shai Arbel il
Shai Arbel
Profile photo of Robert Lipkin us
Robert Lipkin
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Pete Skyllas
Profile photo of John Morgan us
John Morgan
Profile photo of Fatima Nanji ca
Fatima Nanji
Profile photo of Nicolas Dumont fr
Nicolas Dumont
Profile photo of Gareth McMahon ie
Gareth McMahon
Profile photo of Robert Feathers us
Robert Feathers

Lire Plus

Desantis Eliminated by Pring

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

Ramon Colillas lost a bigger portion of his stack when he four-bet jammed ace-jack into the pocket queens of Jacob Toole. The Spaniard paired his ace but four clubs on the board gave Toole the superior flush and double.

During the final hands of the night, Laura Desantis raised to 40,000 from an early position and David Flood three-bet to 100,000. Weston Pring then jammed on the button for 479,000 total and Desantis called all-in for around 410,000, while Flood folded his {a-Spades}{q-Diamonds} face-up.

Laura Desantis: {6-Spades}{6-Diamonds}
Weston Pring: {q-Clubs}{q-Hearts}

The {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{9-Spades} board kept Pring in the lead and Desantis became one of the last casualties of the night.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Ramon Colillas es
Ramon Colillas
Day 4 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Robert Lipkin us
Robert Lipkin
Profile photo of Jacob Toole us
Jacob Toole
Profile photo of Weston Pring ca
Weston Pring
Profile photo of David Flood ca
David Flood
Profile photo of Florian Fuchs at
Florian Fuchs
Profile photo of Justin Turner us
Justin Turner
Profile photo of Steven Kirton us
Steven Kirton
Profile photo of Laura Desantis us
Laura Desantis

Tags: Jacob TooleLaura DesantisRamon ColillasWeston Pring

Last Four Hands

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

With ten minutes remaining in the final level of the evening, the tournament directors have made the announcement that four more hands will be played at each table before bagging up.

McMahon Survives Aces Versus Kings Rollercoaster

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

Gareth McMahon got his 1,129,000 stack in preflop against an opponent and was at risk.

Gareth McMahon: {a-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}
Opponent: {k-}{k-}

The {9-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} flop was a good one for McMahon, but the {k-Clubs} turn left him on the verge of disaster. Needing to improve to stay alive, the {4-Diamonds} spiked the river to give him the nut flush and keep his tournament alive with a healthy stack.

McMahon jumped out of his seat and yelled "Let's go!" after witnessing the rollercoaster runout.

He also mentioned it's his first main event, which added to the intensity.

"That's the sickest hand I've ever played in my entire life," McMahon said.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Gareth McMahon ie
Gareth McMahon

Goulder Leaves Zolotow Short

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Alex Goulder
Alex Goulder

Steve Zolotow opened to 55,000 on the button and was called by Alex Goulder in the big blind.

Goulder check-called a 75,000 bet from Zolotow on the {8-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} flop and both players checked on the {k-Spades} turn.

The {k-Hearts} river completed the board and Goulder led out for 125,000. Zolotow counted out calling chips and thought a bit before committing them into the middle.

Goulder tabled the {8-Spades}{7-Spades} for a flopped full house and Zolotow revealed the {9-Spades}{9-Clubs} and mucked.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Alex Goulder gb
Alex Goulder
Profile photo of Steve Zolotow us
Steve Zolotow
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Alex GoulderSteve Zolotow

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